Quadring Cowley & Brown's Primary School
Home“STEM” Building Learning Power Day!Supercar balloon racing

Supercar balloon racing


After reading the story “Albie and the Great Race,” in Orchard class, we created our own Supercars to race on our balloon track - with very varied results, as always in Science! The children absolutely loved this activity and were even able to explain to me why the supercars raced along the track “because the air is zooming out the back.” Such a great experiment with lots of Scientific language!

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Friction experiment

Our Orchard class really enjoyed finding out all about Friction today. They all had a feel of the different surfaces on each ramp and predicted which they thought the car would go fastest and slowest on. We had some really good explanations talking about our hands and sleeves sticking to some of the surfaces so they thought the car would stick too. It was so interesting and the children could explain what they saw and what our records proved. Super Science Fun!