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Daisy the dino coding
Firefighters to the rescue!
The Three Billy Goats Gruff
Harvest Festival Whole School Assembly
Goldilocks and the three bears
Orchard Class Assembly
Young Voices 2024
Orchard Class Rocket Blast Off with the help of Science!
Orchard Class Rocket Launch
"Perseverance" workshop
Orchard Three Little Pigs Stick House
Goodbye and Good Luck year 6
Music Performance Assembly
Trent Bridge T20 Cricket Trip
Kings Coronation Fly Past
Boston and District Sports Partnership Dance Festival
Dinosaur Dancing
Leicester Tigers Guard of Honour
Orchard "Daisy the Dino" coding
Robins Class music - "The Little Green Frog."
Golden Eagles scribblesbots Science
Golden Eagles Class Assembly
Barn Owls Haka choreography and performance
Barn Owls - The Battle of Hastings
Barn Owls - Flo of the Somme
Young Voices
Barn Owls Victorian Day
Orchard Class Gymnastics
Nature Watch
“STEM” Building Learning Power Day!
Taiko Drumming Workshops
The Three Little Pigs Science
Peterborough United Visit in School
Barn Owls - Star Warts: The Umpire Strikes Back
“What the ladybird heard at the seaside” story sounds
Three Lions Quadring Style
“The Big Sing” Young Voices World Record Attempt
Quadring Musicians
The Masked Singer Comic Relief 2021
Barn Owls home learning
Barn Owls Children's Maths Trailers
Barn Owls Home Learning Videos Week 6
Barn Owls home learning videos week 5
Barn Owls - home learning videos week 4
Barn Owls - home learning videos week 3
Barn Owls - home learning videos week 2
Barn Owls -home learning videos week 1
Golden Eagles - Home Learning Videos
Robins - Home Learning Videos
Orchard - Home Learning Videos
Storytelling Week 1st February 2021
The Worst Witch
Diary of a Killer Cat
The Legend of Captain Crow’s Teeth
The Iron Man
Aesop’s Funky Fables
Wellbeing Week 1st February 2021
Assemblies - 2021
Videos about the Vikings
Any Dream Will Do
Special messages from pupils to staff
Dubai School Videos
Virtual Dance Club
EYFS/ KS1 Virtual Nativity - 'Children of the World'
‘Twas the night before Christmas’ performed by Golden Eagles class
Phonics Home Learning Videos
Flo of the Somme - poetry recitation
Barn Owls ostinato performances
Year 5 going into Year 6 Team Building Wellbeing Summer Camp
Dance Monkey Quadring staff style music video
Year 6 Leavers' Assembly 2020
Messages to Y6 leavers from staff and pupils
Year 6 Leavers' performance
School Sports Day and Virtual Sports Day
BOB parachutes!
Barn Owls Year 6 performances
Music performances 2020
Barn Owls Joelle Wicks daily workouts!
Barn Owls: investigation of streamlining and water resistance
Punch and Judy Puppet Shows
Barn Owls forces investigation - parachutes and paper helicopters
What makes me happy by E
Orchard Class' Own Stories
Motivation Monday & Celebration Assemblies - Summer Term 2020
Message to Golden Eagles from Mrs Stuart
Quadring Funk
Barn Owls Pentathlon Events
Message to Barn Owls from Mrs Wood
Learning to play the piano
Orchard Class' Pet Frogs - Courtesy of the Walters' Family!
Celebration Videos May 2020
Message from the children
A special message from the Quadring Staff Team
Ain't No Mountain singing and signing
Golden Eagles - home learning
Story Time
Barn Owls' book trailers made using iMovie for World Book Day
Impromptu performance of 'Dance Monkey' at Lincoln Theatre Royal
Victorian style PE drill
"Get up and Boogie" for Buddy. NSPCC
Chinese New Year BLP day
Young Voices 2020
Taiko drumming
Barn Owls Japan Day activities
Leavers assembly 2019
Barn Owls Pirates of the Curry Bean
Orchard Class "Julia Donaldson" Assembly
Comic Relief Talent Show Final
Boston & District Dance competition 2019
The Barn Owls' Haka
Sports for Champions
Leicester Tigers "Guard of Honour"
Christmas singing
Altogether Now
Harvest Festival
Music Lesson in Golden Eagles
Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies
Tattershall castle trip
Parachute drop from the church tower
RAF Cranwell
World Cup Theme Day
Music performances
BAE Systems KS2 STEM workshop, 28/03/2018
Mrs Gowers and Mrs Matthews leaving assembly
Dance development afternoon
Boston & District Dance Competition
Chick Hatching
In Flanders' Fields Barn Owls Poetry Recital
Class assemblies and/or Performances
Grammar & Punctuation
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Quadring Cowley & Brown's Primary School
Daisy the dino coding
Ab's dino
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